Having the time of my life!

March 21, 2008 at 8:13 pm | Posted in Family, Memories, My Husband | 2 Comments

Hey from snowy Chicago!!! We are finally here and have been running around like crazy today. I wish you could see the snow coming down. It was so thick you had to just look at the ground while walking. I have laughed so much today and had so much fun. We ate a great breakfast this morning at the HoJo and then incredible Italian this afternoon. I am glad we are walking so much because I am eating so good food 🙂 We took the subway and you could tell that I don’t ride those often. I was not holding on and about fell over.

Jamie thanks so much for letting me borrow your jacket!! I don’t know what I would do without it!  We are heading to Ronnie’s Easter play tonight. He is so excited and apparently has to wear lots of makeup!  Then there will probably be more hanging, eating great food and walking through the beautiful snow!!

I love this city. It is so vibrant and people everywhere! I love all the beautiful colors of skin and blend of different people.

I love my husband so much. It means the world to me that he wants to wisk me away and spend time with me. We are having a blast. Stay tuned to his blog for more pictures!

P.s. CONGRATS MANDY AND ERIC ON YOUR BABY BOY!!!! We are so excited for you guys. You have been in my thoughts all day today.

Worth fighting for

March 16, 2008 at 5:50 am | Posted in adoption, Church, Family, Life, love, Thoughts on God | 3 Comments

My thoughts have been so thick with adoption this last week. I can list the reasons we are doing this to you. There are several. I have often talked to people and heard people’s fears, reasons why they won’t adopt and praise for those who do. I was driving home tonight and heard a song by Veda called, “Desire on Repeat.” Now I really don’t know what the true meaning of this song is but tonight it meant something to me.

There are many fears about adoption. Here are a few.

1. What if the mom changes her mind and we get hurt. 2. What if the birthfather comes back into this child’s life and wants them back while we have them? 3. What would our family say if we adopted transracially? 4. How would life be raising a teenager that is a different race than we are? 5. Will they grow up and hate us one day? 6. What if they want to search for their birthmother one day? 7.How are we going to afford this? 8. Maybe one day.

Ok there are a few reasons for you to really question why you would ever get yourself into this. For us all of these questions have popped into our heads. As I sat and listened to the lyrics of this song tonight and made them my own, tears streamed down my face. There are so many reasons that you could come up with to not do this but I ask you that if you have never considered adoption I ask that you truly pray about it. There is a huge need. There is something about loving on a child and giving that mom a chance to make a choice for her and her baby. There is something about adopting orphans whether it be out of country or in our very own country and giving them a home. There is something about what God did for us as gentiles.

Passage James 1:27:
27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Tonight there were several parts of these lyrics that stuck out to me as we are moving in the direction of adoption.

I don’t want to deny my heart its chance to feel
I don’t want to deny my soul something real

And this desire is worth the fighting
But is it worth deciding that I am just like you?

Disrupt the part of me that needs some space
Repeat that look I see in you face
Remind me of truth
Remind me of the reason for existing
Remind me of truth
Remind me of the reason for existing

Were we not all orphans at one time? I can’t let this part of me not exist because of my fear. This is WORTH FIGHTING FOR- I find that it is myself that I have to fight. It is fear, it is doubt of God’s provision, it is laziness.

I ask that you please consider this. If it is not adopting into your family maybe you can be the hands and feet of the church in supporting someone who is. There are so many ways to support adoption.


March 11, 2008 at 2:42 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

I can’t stop thinking about August today. My mind is flooded with thoughts of him. I can’t wait to kiss his sweet brown skin. At work ladies always seem to bring in their infant babies and everytime I hear one of them cry or laugh I just long to hear this sound echo throughout my house. I know the crying will get old! We have just a couple of things to get done for our paperwork to be sent in. I felt for a while that we needed to wait just a little longer but it feels as if the timing is moving for us to turn in our paperwork. We are hoping to send it off in the next week or two. I have no idea how long it will be after we turn it in. God has been so sweet to bring back the origional thoughts and passion that lead us to adopt first in our family.  My heart has been overflowing here lately.

My friends Mandy and Eric have been chosen by a precious woman who is to be delivering on Saturday. If you get a chance you should check out their blog: http://mandyandericmoore.blogspot.com/

Please be praying for this sweet mom who is about to go through so much physically and emotionally. Please pray for Eric and Mandy as this can be scary and joyful all at the same time.

If you have tried to email me

March 10, 2008 at 4:15 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

My email has been down but Steven has now revived it. If you have tried I am sorry but please resend your message! Or if you just want to email me feel free! I would love to hear from you. 🙂


Rush Limbaugh speaks again

March 9, 2008 at 8:47 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 5 Comments

“Let’s just say there is a joint ticket between Obama and Hillary and they come to an agreement over who’s on top. Therefore, you’ve got a woman and a black, first time ever on the Democratic ticket (clears throat, laughs) They don’t have a prayer. ”

In America are we not known as the melting pot of the world? Are we not here for freedom, for a chance for opportunity? Why do people want to come here?  Are all presidents supposed to be white men? Are white men superior to black men and a women in general? Are they smarter? Are they better at defending this country? What about a white man makes him better than a black man?

Mr. Limbaugh I believe that that statement reveals a little racism deep inside your heart. I think that comment was VERY uncalled for whether you are a democrat or a republican.

My advice to me at 17

March 9, 2008 at 3:19 am | Posted in Family, Life, love, Memories, My Husband | 6 Comments

Have you ever heard the song by Brad Paisley called, “Letter to Me?” Well if you sit and think for a while about what you would say to yourself at age 17 that you know now it could get pretty interesting. Here are some of my thoughts that I wish I could have told myself back then that I know now.

*Stay away from guys in highschool!  🙂 Leave the ones you did pick out alone!

*Go buy a Chi for your hair. It looks terrible! Start straightening it!

*Don’t kiss anybody or do anything because you have an INCREDIBLE husband waiting for you.

*Start learning how to cook now. Be in the habit of cleaning now. This will all be easier one day if you build these habits in now.

*There is more to this life than just getting married and having babies. Your impact doesn’t just stop there.

*Enjoy those moments with your friends. That is your only chance to be around some of them. Talk about life with them. Talk about family with them. Get to know them deeper than what you know. Take advantage of that time you have when you are on a basketball or softball team with them. Talk about life. Encourage and love!!

*Look outside of highschool walls. There is a huge, hurting world out there that you get the chance to help change.

*Spend more time learning from your grandparents. There are things that they can teach you that you could carry with you for the rest of your life. You will regret not learning how to sew from your grandmother and hearing war stories and hard times from your grandfather. They won’t be around so long. You will regret not learning how to cook from from momaw while she still has her memory. You will regret not learning how to buy and strip antique furniture and make mexican cornbread from pop. You will regret not loving on the 4 of them a lot more than what you did.

*Your parents love you. They will prove this to you through time. They trust you so trust them. Listen to those great talks of encouragement from your dad. There is nobody that can pick you up the way he does and make you feel better about yourself. Your mom is going to be a great friend one day. One of your best friends. Don’t blow off what she has to say all the time. Your brother has a huge heart. Cut him some slack. Stop arguing so much. There are much bigger things out there than fighting with your family.

*Start dreaming now about what you would love to do with your life. Don’t wait til its time to make those decisions. Dream big. Chase after them and finish them.

*Just enjoy each moment. It won’t happen again.

What would you tell yourself at 17??

Its easy to zone out

March 8, 2008 at 1:58 am | Posted in Church, Consumption, God, Life, love, My Husband, poverty, Questions, Random, The American Dream, Thoughts on God, Work | Leave a comment

Today was a long long day at work. We were all really tired and ready to go home early. We work until 5:00 and usually are rushing to get things done by then. Today we had everything done by 3:30. It was rainy and cold outside and as I would look out the window the only place I wanted to be was in my pj’s, in my favorite chair, eating and watching TV. Not to mention that I have been fighting off being sick all week. Today was not a day that I felt great.

I stopped on the way home to get a couple of groceries and had my entire car salted by the salt truck that drove by me! Finally I was home and exactly where I wanted to be. You see all day all I wanted was comfort. I wanted to be out of the clothes I was in, by myself, eating a great dinner that I love and not thinking but watching tv.

As I flipped through the channel’s I started thinking of people who may not have this comfort that I do. I stated thinking of a lonely man walking the streets on this bitter cold and rainy night. I thought about people that might not have electricity, heat, internet and lights.  I ran through the channel’s and saw video footage of our soldiers running through the streets in a country that is not theirs knowing they could die at any moment. I thought about sweet kids in haiti and all over the world that may not have eaten today. Somehow I can’t enjoy my comfort anymore. All I wanted to do was sit, watch tv and not think about anything. Isn’t it so easy to detach yourself from the outside world? Its so easy to live your life for YOUR comfort. I am not saying that a night on the couch watching tv is bad, its just that I can’t make this my lifestyle. I can’t keep feeding this monster of comfort inside of me. So tonight I am trying to not detach myself. I need to work harder at not zoning out all the time and acting like there is not a dying world outside my front door. Tonight I have never been more thankful for this house, my furniture, warm blankets, clothes, food to eat, a laptop to write this blog from, a husband that I am madly in love with, and the silence that fills these 4 walls. I recognize that they are nothing that I have done. It drives me  to give as I have been given.

How do you zone out? What do you fill your time with in order to not think about reality?

Ivey boys, carwash, new shoes, parents, movie

March 2, 2008 at 5:56 am | Posted in Random, Updates | 9 Comments

Today has been a great day.

*It started off with me babysitting Cayden and Deacon. I LOVE watching them. Cayden ran around like Spiderman and I chased him being some kind of fictional character that was obviously an opponent. Deacon wasn’t feeling good so I took advantage of his cuddley mood:)

*I then went to get my car washed. We have a white car and I honestly can’t tell you how long it has been since we have washed it. We are talking months! It was getting to be a bit of a tan color. I found this new place in the boro that you drive up to, pay your money, put your car in neutral and away you go to cleanliness!! I loved it! It brought back so many memories of me sitting in my dad’s lap as he took the car to get it cleaned up and he would let me “drive” through the car wash. Those we fun times. After your car is washed they let you have the vacuum and rug cleaner for free! So I vacuumed the car out and cleaned my mats. While I was vacuuming I sucked my new favorite headband right up. The vacuum went to about 50% of its sucker power. I told the nice man who worked there and he dug around and found my headband! I thought it was gone forever. I then drove off with a shiny clean car and in love with this car cleaning place.

*I bought some really cute heels today. I love them but I have got to be honest they kill my feet. I am trying to find a way to get them to not hurt. They are the pointy kind in the front with a decent heel on them. I love them, they are sexy lookin shoes but they murder my feet! Does anybody else have this problem? Maybe I am to tall?  Maybe I am buying the wrong shoes? I am finding some way to make them work because I love them so much.

*I then headed to run errands all day and ate dinner with the parentals. We went to Toot’s, feasted on some fried pickles, had great convo and went shopping. This is my mom and I’s favorite times. I called it a day and came home to start cleaning the house.

*After cleaning a while I popped in my FAVORITE movie of all time. There is no other movie that compares. NONE. I love “Pride and Prejudice.” It will never get old. My friend let me borrow it and I think it gets better everytime I watch it. It makes me want to run through a field in the early morning in a beautiful dress and see Steven walking in the distance with a dark coat with long coat tails and boots. I then proceed to tackle him 🙂 I love this movie. I want to sit down with my daughter(s) one day and watch this movie and after it is all over tell them that they really can have this love despite what the world tells you. I hope that they would see this love between their father and I first. It inspires me in so many ways. I love it! I am folding towels now and waiting til my man gets here in an hour or so. We MIGHT make it to church in the morning. We may just sleep in. We don’t get to do that much! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I know I just had a very relaxing day!!

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