
October 15, 2007 at 1:25 am | Posted in adoption, Life, My Husband, Updates, Work | 2 Comments

Hello friends:

Here is a little about what is going on in our lives!

*I am still loving my job. I love the girls that I work with and feel very blessed to be a part of their lives.

*My man has been in Chicago visiting his brother this weekend and I am ready for him to get home!! I am also ready for a romantic getaway to Chicago with just the two of us. wink wink Hopefully that might be coming sometime around our next 3 year anniversary!!

*I am ready to head to Texas for Thanksgiving. Its been way to long since the last time we have been and I am missing the fam.

*We have an adoption playgroup tomorrow night. I am looking forward to this. I think we really need some encouragement from families who have walked where we have.

*We have been a little discouraged this week from some “opinions” about adoption left on our adoption blog. There WAS a very angry post that linked our blog- that is not there anymore ๐Ÿ™‚ It was very hurtful but we are continuing on. There seems to be nothing that could be said to this person to change his mind. We believe that this is the place that God has called us and sometimes we are not called to walk down easy roads. We believe that in the end it will be worth it all. Sometimes you just can’t win. You do one thing to try to help out a problem and thats not good enough. It is also not good enough to do nothing. With this person its a no win situation. Good thing I don’t live to please them!!

*We have also gotten some great responses from people that have been through the adoption process and it might not have gone the way that they had invisioned it and I appreciate their perspective!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope to keep learning.

*I have been made aware that my conscience likes to defend EVERYTHING that I do to everyone. I like to be liked. Its hard not to be able to please everyone.

*I wish that I could live my life with no opinions. Wouldn’t we be so much better off if we didn’t have opinions about people? You know me though, I have an opionion about everyone and everything. I hate that about myself. I want to live my life loving people not based on what they have and haven’t done. I make my choice of how much love I give to a person based on my opinion of them. I am determined to change this.

*I am excited about the Thanksgiving season. I love pumpkins. There is something about the crisp air, the leaves changing and pumpkins.

*I am ready to stop having to cut our grass. I tried to “surprise” Steven today by cutting it and the darn mower wouldn’t start. I am sure that when he gets home it will crank right up for him! The last time I tried to surprise him by cutting the grass I ran over some kind of pvc pipe in the ground. I thought it was trash. I mean why would you put a pipe in a persons yard?? We just put a small trash can over the top of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

*We are having our yard sale this Saturday!! Anyone that would like to get rid of some junk is welcome bring stuff over!!

*Ok, now I have to get back to cleaning. Have a great week!

Remembering college days…

October 8, 2007 at 4:02 am | Posted in Life, Memories | 2 Comments

This weekend I went back to a very familiar place to me. My brother attends the same college that I did a couple of years ago. He plays in the marching band and I have not been to any of his games and I felt like I needed to go and support him.

Driving through Cookeville to get to Tech was very nostalgic for me. My mind was flooded with memories and a feeling of freedom that I once felt before. College for me (like a lot of other people) was a place that I could start over with new friends and something that was all mine. The friends I made in college will have such a deep place in my heart. As we drove onto the campus I couldnt help but see my friends faces with backpacks on walking to and from class. I remembered laughing and loving running into people on campus. I remember meeting all my friends for lunch and hanging out on the quad when I should be heading to class. I remember piling into a car with a bunch of girls and the excitement we had as we drove over to the guys dorms to see what they could be up to. I remember everybody’s crushes and my great girlfriends. I remember falling in and out of love. I remember the dorms and the fun girls nights we had in those rooms. I remember going on hikes at night and not having a clue where we were going! I look at the library and I should remember studying but more than that I remember my sweet God time as I would take my cd player, my Bible and hide myself up in the top of the library tucked away so that no one would disturb me. As you can tell my college experience was ALL social. I honestly didnโ€™t care so much about grades. I did what i needed to to get by but my college days were all about friends and having fun. If I were to go back I honestly donโ€™t think I would change that.

I love my college experience because it was a part of my life that I canโ€™t explain to anyone. It was a time for growth. It was not always easy but worth finding out on my own. I find myself being the dreamer that I am and realizing how much I loved those times but as I walked by myself around that campus again I realized that I have moved on. Some of my friends are still there to this day but I am a different person. I feel like a grownup now. I have a husband that loves me and a deep desire for a child in our home. Most of my friends have families and kids and there own lives. My friendships have gone from having a bunch to a few but those friendships are so deep. I will always remember those times and the feelings I felt. I am so thankful for everyone who made my college experience what it was. Thanks for the memories and the friendships.

Adopting August Yard Sale!!!

October 7, 2007 at 5:55 pm | Posted in adopting august, adoption | Leave a comment

We are having our first yard sale on Saturday, October 20th. If you would like to donate items for our yard sale please email me at maris@spur58.com or Steven at bush@spur58.com and let us know! Steven is off this week and could come by and pick some of them up! We would love any unwanted items that would go to Goodwill anyway! Thank you so much for your help and support! Hopefully this will bring us one step closer to bringing August home ๐Ÿ™‚

What the heck?!?!

October 6, 2007 at 2:20 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Would anyone like to take a guess as to what I found in my edamome tonight?????
What does this look like to you?
I will give you a hint- its squishy and wet.

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