
August 28, 2007 at 2:43 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

This morning as I was reading my Beth Moore study she had me take a closer look at David and Jonathan’s friendship. It started as David (very heated) comes to Jonathan and asks what his crime against Jonathan’s father is? What sin had he done to deserve Saul seeking to kill him? He was very upset and taking it out on Jonathan. She began to look at their friendship and see how it is quite uncommon. Why were they friends? Jonathan’s dad is trying to kill David, yet they are still so close. She asked the question- in your BEST friendships, what besides circumstances or preferences knits our hearts together? Well immediately I begin to think about what I have been through with some of my closest girlfriends and then I remember those are circumstances. I soon began to realize that my closest friendships are those that God is an integral part of. We may not talk about God everyday but I know that we are walking together and chasing after the same things. I then thought of some friendships where God has not really been a part of those anymore. We have grown apart because we really have nothing to talk about. There are always surface things- but when you get way down to the bottom of the heart if that person (or I) don’t want to talk then what do you have in common? What knits you together? Without God in our friendships the thread is gone. I am reminded to be open with my friends. We do it without shame. She also talks about when God knits your hearts together distance does not play a part of it. I have witnessed this first hand. It is amazing how friends can be so far away but yet so close. Anyway I guess this whole post was to say thank you to some girls in my life that God has knit me together with. God is so sweet to give us families and husbands but girlfriends are just icing on the cake!


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  1. icing on the cake… i like that. i’m so excited to hear about the things god is teaching you and the journey you’re on right now! i love you so much, my friend!

  2. Amen!! I can only agree and agree and agree with this post!! God is so good! As I grow closer to him I realize it more and more!! He is so faithful to give us the yummy chocolate icing kind of friends (or whatever your favorite kind of icing it kinda friends)!!! Love this post Maris!

  3. my heart resonates so deeply with this post. i understand what you mean about how the obvious topic of conversation may not be about “God”, but the cool thing is when the spirits are still connected. very insightful!

  4. I love you!!

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